14 Days of Love Bombs
Days 1 - 6!
Not knowing what I wanted to do for my Valentine this year, I asked around to see if I was crazy for not wanting to do a fancy-schmancy Valentine's Day. What I found is that everyone has a different 'special' day to celebrate love in that way, but not necessarily Valentine's. Personally, I like to do an intimate date night for our anniversary, while my friend and her man do fancy dates for each other's birthdays.
But wait...aren't you some kind of Valentine's Day grinch without the candle lit dinner? As if! There are tons of cute Valentine ideas that are super inexpensive, but show how much you love your other half. To figure out what I would do this year, I set out to do what I do best...Pinterest! I saw all of the DIY date night ideas, but I kept seeing a bunch of corny and silly food ideas. There were so many funny ones, that's when I decided to pick my favorite 13 and give my Groove Guy 1 each day until Valentine's Day!
Day 1
What better way to start off the 2 weeks of love bombs, than with a love bomb!
I used 2 sticks of (dynamite) Rolos and wrapped them in red paper. Construction paper would be perfect, except if you don't have any...then I just printed out a giant red square in Word. I also printed out an alarm clock to tape on the front. You can get as intricate as you want for the wiring, I saw pipe cleaners, actual wires, but I used a twisty-tie I saw laying around.
Day 2
I didn't even see an example of this one on Pinterest, but when I was browsing for candy I saw this 'gold nugget' gum (only $1). At first I was thinking something along the lines of, "you're mine", but then thought it looked like a bag of treasure gold! Click on the printable tag and save the image, or make your own version!
Day 3
There are so many fruit puns you could do, but his fave fruit is a banana. You can do, "Orange you glad you're mine", "We make the perfect pear", "You're the apple of my eye", etc.
NOTE: buy the banana on the day you plan to give it on, because these bananas I bought the day before and they started getting brown already. Also, the ink from your pen will be absorbed into the peel, distorting the color after a few hours. You might want to jot the note down right before you give it to them.
p.s. on the back I wrote, "I love you bunches".
Day 4
This was another one I hadn't seen yet, but I immediately thought of it when I saw the Moon Pies. I really loved this little card, so on the back of it I wrote down a special love note. Save my image, or make your own with these cute sayings!
Day 5
These coins are actually pretty easy to find and very inexpensive...I think they were 50 cents...maybe less. I love that it's a pile of change, you can even get coins that look like real US coins, or even add in one of those $100 chocolate bills!
Day 6
I originally had Swedish Fish for this one, but I came across a cuter use of them which I will use next week. The only tough part about this one was whether to use sour worms, or regular gummy worms!
Stay tuned for days 7 - 13! I have a special yummy treat for my Valentine on the 14th!

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Groove Girl