In the crazy world we live in today, it's important for us to look out for one another. Whether it's volunteering at a food drive, or signing up for a zumba-thon to support anti-bullying awareness, Groove Girls are always trying to get involved. I'll keep you posted on interesting charities and inspiring videos about body image, confidence, self esteem, and girl power (woohoo!). Have an amazing cause, or video, you want to share? Comment below, I'd love to know!

The first time I saw this video I was shocked. We are all aware of how women are viewed in the hierarchy of the world, but it's always brushed off and accepted. This video made such a lasting impact on me, and all the other Groove Girls in the office, that I just had to share it with al of you. I hope you take something away from watching it and share it along with all of your girlfriends. As young women, the future, we need to take a stand and demand our equal place in the world and society.
If you are in the Orange County area, I highly recommend watching this video and clearing all of your plans on March 1st. This is SuperMax, a first grader, was diagnosed with brain glioma at the age of 4 and has been fighting through four brain surgeries and chemo. On his birthday, Max talked about making the world's largest loom bracelet, and with the help of his classmates, Jimmy Kimmel, friends and family, he will break the record this Saturday. If you are able to get to Tustin this weekend and help out SuperMax, you can get tickets here. If you want more info on how to get involved with his nonprofit organization, go here for more info!
Our favorite Southern Groove Girl, Lizzie Sider, is always spreading the love as she tours all across the country. We love how she adds her own personality to the many pairs of groove shoes in her closet! She's not only inspiring Groove Girls to follow their dreams, but she has dedicated her tour to the prevention of bullying. Everybody's got their own Groove, and that makes us all unique and special. I hope you enjoy this beautiful song and share it's meaning with your friends!
We are constantly trying to improve ourselves, but according to what? We look to celebrities, magazines, fashion models and advertisements as guidelines on how to look in order to be beautiful. This Dove video shows us exactly how skewed our perception of beauty really is and how we strive for unrealistic (and unobtainable without photoshop) expectations.
We are all beautiful, Groove Girls!

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Groove Girl