15 Signs Pinterest is Ruining Your Life!
- You’ve wasted far too many hours browsing memes and ecards rather than, you know, studying.
- The education category has made you second guess your major.
- Your friends are starting to think you have a problem by the number of Mason jar-related items you’ve accumulated.
- Your idea of a good time went from bar hopping to organizing your boards.
- Sometimes you forget that pinning makeup tutorials does not mean you’re a makeup artist.
- Or a hairstylist.
- Your entire wedding is planned down to the bridesmaids’ dresses–the only minor detail you haven’t worked out is the groom.
- The amount of money you’ve spent on crafts is depressing.
- You’ve seen enough #fitso pictures to induce many failed cleanses and low carb diets.
- You find yourself saying things such as, “I can cook, I got the recipe on Pinterest.”
- You’ve started speaking solely in motivational and inspiring quotes.
- Pinterest started your love/hate relationship with monogramming every. single. thing.
- Your little has enough crafts to fill two dorm rooms.
- Your online shopping addiction has only increased, leaving you with things like a “bath wine holder.“
- Your ovaries might explode if you see one more cute picture of a baby.
(Post via Total Sorority Move)

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Groove Girl