Do you ever have one of those days when everything, and anything that can go wrong does go wrong?! Well, whether you want to admit it or not, I know you have had to deal with those negativities in life. Even if it is a coworker/classmate who rubs you the wrong way...there is a way to turn any negative into a positive. You are the only thing keeping yourself away from a good attitude and happy day.
Here's a life hack just in time for spring cleaning! When was the last time you cleaned your jewelry? This video shows you how to clean your jewelry simply with baking soda and it is gentle enough to clean almost anything. Way cheaper than going out and getting it cleaned or finding jewelry cleaner.
Groove Girls love the Tone It Up gals! If you haven't already, you have to check out all of their nutrition, workouts, and motivation to stay healthy. This video is super simple to follow along and tone those thighs! Oh yeah...we're doing it during our lunch break this #FitFriday.
Mind. Blown. These life hacks aren't just for summer! After watching this, you'll find yourself using them at on spring break, around the house, and basically the rest of your life. Enjoy, and you're welcome!
How many times have you heard, "put your phone away!" and wished you could just make it invisible (because this class is super easy, thus boring)? Well, if you really can't let go of it, and have other means of getting the info/notes you'll miss (hi mom), try this!
If you like camping, traveling, or just straight up living, you need to watch this video! These tips will save your life in the event of a natural disaster, or whenever you find yourself in a pinch. Genius, right?
Do you have what it takes to strut your stuff in a Victoria's Secret fashion show? VS Angel, Karlie Kloss, gave those lucky ducks over at Cosmo a breakdown of her runway walk! It's amazing how bad your posture can get sitting all day, 'think tall' ladies. Go on, get up! I totally practiced my walk right after watching this too!

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Groove Girl