Friday, February 27, 2015

14 Days of Love Bombs | Days 7 - 14

14 Days of Love Bombs Days 1 - 6 Days 7 - 14 *please forgive my terrible delay in posting...posted, didn't know didn't actually post (grrr technology), got super super sick, and posting now!* Hooray! The second week of love bombs has begun, thus only one week until Valentine's Day!  I would love to see your love bombs, post a link in the comments, or tag @groovefootwear in an insta! I must say, I loved my day 13 and...

Friday, February 6, 2015

14 Days of Love Bombs for Your Valentine

14 Days of Love Bombs Days 1 - 6! Not knowing what I wanted to do for my Valentine this year, I asked around to see if I was crazy for not wanting to do a fancy-schmancy Valentine's Day.  What I found is that everyone has a different 'special' day to celebrate love in that way, but not necessarily Valentine's.  Personally, I like to do an intimate date night for our anniversary, while my friend and her man do fancy dates for each...