Monday, July 28, 2014

Sticker Contest!

Find Our Sticker, Win Free Swag! In honor of the US Surf Open this week in Huntington Beach, we have created a contest just for you guys coming by catch some rays and watch the competition!  It's super easy and anyone can participate.  We have colored 10 of our Groove peace sign stickers and placed them all around Main Street in Huntington Beach!  All you have to do is look for them, and when you find one Instagram it.  Be...

Groove at the US Surf Open

Grooving at the US Surf Open! Look for the Groove Girls decked out in our Groove Swag! It's that time again...the Surf Open is finally here! I like to consider it the official kickoff to summer down here in Huntington Beach.  For one week, surfers and fans take over the beach (maybe you heard a little bit about it last year...does the word 'riot' ring any bells?).  A little bit has changed since last year, so I have found an event...

Friday, July 25, 2014

All Of The Brands Name-Dropped On Sex And The City

All Of The Brands Name-Dropped On Sex And The City As Pierre Buttin sat beside his girlfriend on the couch each night and endured 30 minutes of cringe-worthy puns, he couldn’t help but wonder, “What brands were mentioned the most on Sex and the City?” (Or, so we surmise.) The multimedia artist pored through the show’s six seasons and cataloged all instances of brand-name-dropping, which he put together in this clip. And, he...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Most Adorable Video!

Most Adorable Video EVER! I just had to share this!  I just know it's going to be an adorable video because it involves a baby and a dog! This dog gets confused and thinks the baby's new toy is his new toy.  When he takes it, the baby starts to cry, and he feels so bad he brings her all of his toys!  Cuteness overload!  ...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Fun | Manicure Monday

Happy #ManicureMonday! Now that summer is officially in full swing, the sun is shining and bright colors are everywhere.  Try some of these colors and cute designs to rock when you hit the beach this summer!  Especially with the US Open of Surfing right around the corner here in Huntington Beach, you will want to have an awesome mani to pair with your bikinis all week.  Don’t miss out on any of these nail trends this...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Your Flawed Beauty Routine

We’ve all seen tons of articles and pins pointing out all of your beauty routine flaws...I am even guilty with my Break ALL the Rules post.  It’s just, some days I don’t want to read an entire article about what I am doing wrong.  This video covers all the major no-no’s in a 2 minute video!  Some of them I didn’t even read before, like using a t-shirt for a less frizz ‘towel dry’. ...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Nail Striping Tape | Manicure Monday

Happy #ManicureMonday! Are you tired of getting back from your mani appointment and feeling like it’s the same old thing?  You know there is more out there than a solid color…with the occasional glitter accent nail.  Check out this new trend for amazing manicures that you can even do at home!  Try dressing-up your summer mani with nail striping tape. There are tons of different ways to use it that will make everybody...

Summer Air, Salty Hair, and the Perfect Beach Outfit

Now that summer is in full swing, I thought a great Fashionably Friday post would be all things beach!  Whether you are going to the beach and rockin' that sexy one-piece for the first time, or hanging out with friends for a happy hour at the beach, these outfits are just the look you need.   Beach Babe by xoxogroovegirl featuring 'Serene' sandal by Groove Footwear Beach Party by xoxogroovegirl...